Poems and musings by Jerry Diakiw.
In awe of the world and everything in it — the globetrotter.
Jerry Diakiw - Globetrotter, philosopher and poet
The Sahara, between Chinguetti and Nouakchott
“...These ‘Peugeot camels’ survive desert driving with deflated tires, heavy duty suspension and incredibly skilled drivers. They don't drive on roads or highways ...open desert, driving around, over, and through dune fields. An overnight drive, with periodic rest stops
...I walked into the dark to pee, carefully looking down at my feet, to avoid stumbling on uneven ground. Stopped and looked up, and the night sky fell on me. I wasn't looking up at sky, I was in the sky...”
Diakiw's poems and stories offer an erudite, clear-eyed and funny vista through billions of years and our tiny blip of time. The magic to the mundane, beginning to end, macro to micro.